Included in this resource are the following documents:
Our ultimate goal is to build students’ capacity to manage their own projects and make decisions about what they need to do next based on how the project is evolving. As such, they are intended as a guide students can refer to if they are unsure about what to do next, and we want to make sure they realise not all projects follow a lockstep process. We advise students to keep some kind of journal where they record their notes and their thinking which could be written, electronic or even a video diary. Suggestions are made through the guides of what they could be recording, but the decisions about this are ultimately the students.
These guides are not for all students. If students are already managing their own projects independently, then these guides are not needed. They may however be useful for students who are not confident in a pathway, or are unsure of what project they would like to choose. We recommend they are made available for students to access when they feel they need them. For teachers and students who are just starting the journey the guides may be useful to use as a whole class introduction to the process.